Hello All.
Big news for us, their will be some Skunk Fu based toys in shops in the US and UK in the Spring. There will be action figures to collect and 70 different "flingz" that you can use to play games. They won't be out until late January or February.
Before you ask, not sure where they will be out yet in the US or UK!
There will be a website up soon about these toys so I'll let you know when that is ready.
Cool, thanks for the update Paul! I heard there was going to be a big ad campaign in the UK for the toys, but I hadn't seen any pics of the toys themselves. Will there be an ad campaign on Cartoon Network here in the US for them as well?
By the way, I got the first DVD of Skunk Fu! that was released a little while back and I was very pleased with it. I like the fact that the episodes are not cut for time on the DVD like they are on TV. Because of that I think the episodes play a little bit smoother plus dialogue seems a little more natural since pauses in speech don't seem to be cut or sped up for time concerns, but that might just be me. Plus, the European intro was a nice touch as well. Hopefully you guys bring the entire first season to DVD eventually.
Keep up the good work guys!
Cool! Those action figures look awesome. I'll be looking forward to seeing them in stores (or even online). Thanks for the update!
Awesome! :D I'd buy them if my mom wouldn't think I was immature if I did or anything... I hope that the toys sell so much that one of "Skunk Fu!'s" broadcasters will see that the show has licensing potential; this will probably create in them an interest in funding a 2nd season! :D I hope it works!
Will The Flingz Be Released On Their Own As Booster Packs?
hi..wow its cool that they made skunk fu toys! yey!
btw, i was one of the topdraw animation flash artists who did this series. and its nice to read and hear great reviews from people who love the show.
more power!
It appears that "Skunk Fu!" is no longer on Cartoon Network's schedule in the United States. Unfortunate.
/Finnaly the update is nice Paul.I got all of the new dvds and people it has 6 episodes witch makes you have 12 out of the 26 episodes.Also does the Skunk Fu! movie come out in 2009?I'm hoping it will and tell me summer?Please and did you receve that e-mail about season 2 ideas?If you did say thanks.Well happy 2009!!!!!!1
Their also selling plushies. :)I have rabbit and Skunk.
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