Thursday, June 21, 2007

SKUNK FU! Blasts Off on the BBC in July!

The first 26 episodes of Skunk Fu will be tx-ing weekdays at 3.45/3.50 from BBC week 28 (Monday 9th July 2007) on BBC1 and on Saturdays at 6pm on the CBBC Channel, from week 29 (Saturday 14th July 2007). It has already premiered on ABC Australia.


Unknown said...

I'm so proud...the little stinker gets famous...

So, when can I get the Skunk Ready Bed...or the Mister Fisty Punchbag...or the Bird squeeztoy, or the Dragon Halloween outfit...

or simply the bath duck.


joost said...

this is too good to be true
an update and a releasedate!
all in one post!
you guys should spread it more out guys ,seriously spread it out
anyway i'll sign up for the 'pig in his little mudpool toy'

Mick said...

yipes... and so it begins.
Happy days and best wishes to the crew and associated personel... even Mr harte, god knows he needs em... only joking... come and give yer uncle mick a chance to knock yer teeth out... I mean, give you a hug... well let's not rush things... I'll just smile amiable from across the pond.
Now everyone take the afternoon off... did you enjoy it? Good... now make another series.

Sincerely folks, good on ya

William Bradford said...

Good show! I love animating on it. I've seen some of these episodes without sound, and I'll be curious to see what it adds.

Abel said...

I want a teddy bear of Rabbit, when is the merchandising coming?
I also want a link in your blog mr.Aidan, I'm very upset!!

Jez Hall said...

Joy! Well done all.

tomm said...

congrats to all on Skunk Fu! Break legs!

donnachada said...

Fantastic. Congrats to all. That really is the best news. Next.....the world.

Alessandra Sorrentino said...

yuppi!!!! we are so so proud!! :D
we are in rome now and can't watch the first episode with you guys, but the dvd recorder in kilkenny is all timed up to save everything for when we're back! ;)
hurrayyyyyyy to the skunkateeeeeers!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just saw the advert on CBBC for the first time. i'm definately gonna watch this. it looks great :D

Kevy Metal said...

Wow... Those poses look even better with backgrounds behind them... Really nice, guys!

sdfgsdfg said...

hey just caught the ad on bbc. didn't realise it was that time already. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I feel so up one minute and down the next.
Down because Skunk is autonomous and grown-up suddenly and happy because of the same causes.
Congratulations Aidan and CREW -great JOB !
PS: ever though of a "Skunk Fu eau de toilet"? probably...

Anonymous said...

I watch skunk fu on cbbc and i think it is cool rock on or skunk on

Anonymous said...

cool show make more shows

Eric B. said...

I just saw a promo for this show on BBC1. I'm now really interested in the show.

The show has a wonderful animation style and a lot of memorable characters and on top of all that, I have never seen a skunk become the hero of the story so this is all very interesting.

I'll make sure I catch this show when it's on and good luck with the show too! =3

- Eric B. (aspiring animator and freelance cartoonist)

Rick Capistrano said...

Yeeaaahhhhh boooyyyeeeeee!

Kei Phillips said...

wow i seen this is flips 7 ages ago, then read about it in a mag and now i've found the blog! very awesome work, looks fabulous and cant wait till its on tv!

Anonymous said...

I saw it yesterday and it was soooo great, im just about to watch it again now. Flash + kung fu + talking animals = best entertainment ever

Anonymous said...

I love this show - is there going to be a DVD of it? Pleaseeeeeee!


David Bunting said...

What a great show! To Mr Young, Mr Harte and all the people I know personally, I'm incredibly proud of you. Long may you keep strutting that Irish stuff. Something tells me this is but the beginning!

Anonymous said...

I think this show is really entertaining. I love the fact that this show is unique by the fact that the characters have their own idiolects (Rabbit is a great example). And the show is really modernised by the great animaiton and 'rap' music during the beginning titles. It seems a long time since we have seen quality like this on television. Well done!

Bentos said...

Armando Iannucci talked quite a bit about it in his column in the Observer on Sunday and he's a bona fida comedy legend.,,2136999,00.html

Jamal O said...

Congrats! the style and animation on this show is great! I would of loved to work on it but americano's ....

Anonymous said...

Wow never seen this skill with flash i have flash but never have the time to go on it awsomme show
dude u got to make an official website.
By the way great show.
soon the whole world will know about skunk fu!
people love animators!....and fear them..

Mr Harte said...

Thank you.
The official site is up now

willborough said...

I just saw the (first?) episode on the BBC yesterday. It was lots of fun. great animation too. Congratulations!


the doodlers said...

this show has a great look. Hope it does really well.

Shawn Escott said...

skunk fu!?? How interesting. Wonderful designs and characters. Will it air in the States?

Anonymous said...

Hi Shawn, yes Skunk Fu! willnow start airing on Kids WB from the 22nd of September.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it! In the UK we have had all 26 episodes and the first seires was fantastic. I even try and see any repeats if I can. Can't wait for another series.

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited to see this series, it looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

is there someway you can download the episodes

MichaelM said...

SKUNK FU RULES!! one of the best cartoons ive ever seen

also i made this ace forum

Anonymous said...

which episode is the one with skunk being all buffed up learning to scare people

Anonymous said...

does anyone know what episode it was when skunk fu challenges the baboon

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Ken said...

I had the pleasure of seeing Skunkfu when I was in Australia a few months back! Loved the design and enjoyed the cartoon!

And I had no idea it was made in Ireland... fantastic. Good to see great work coming out of this part of the world!

Anonymous said...

cbbc dont show it anymore...

Unknown said...

It'll be back on for a whole new 26 episodes in January on the BBC!

Anonymous said...

Apparently there have been 52 episodes created (and we have had exactly half at 26 broadcast in the UK). Can we expect the following 26 soon next year?

Unknown said...

BBC air the next 26 in January...

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing what 2008 has to offer then.

Anonymous said...

First one tomorrow 15:45 BBC1.

Anonymous said...

This is anonymous speaking. I think that fox is HOT!!!

Anonymous said...

just saw this show a couple days im lookin it up on tv schedules....i hope for more episodes and dvds if possible...good luck to all the crew on Skunk Fu!

James Sutton said...

Crazy anons..

I love this show.

Kei Phillips said...

great show, great blog :)